If you've been around enterprise mobility, you might have seen the term MEAP come up from time to time. Since our PointSync product is a "MEAP", we're pretty comfortable using the term. But, for those who are not familiar with what a MEAP is and does, here is a 5 minute crash course. Enjoy!
What Is A MEAP?
MEAP stands for Mobile Enterprise Application Platform. In laymen’s terms, a MEAP is a server-oriented software that provides specific tools and functions targeted at the deployment and management of the mobile devices in an organization. Mobile devices are generally viewed as handheld devices and smartphones, but can also include tablets and laptops.
Why Is It Important?
Mobile devices have become a necessary component in business. Where email was once the “killer app”, today's “must have” apps extend business functions like inventories and customer details to almost anyone working outside the office. A MEAP is responsible for making sure the sales, inventory, customer, etc data makes the one or two-way trip between the office database and mobile devices. On a more granular level, a enterprise-class MEAP will know exactly where to place data, where it came from and how to avoid database conflicts. If you're thinking, "yeah, that's all important stuff!"... We completely agree!
First, PointSync is a mature product that was introduced in 2005 and includes over a half-million lines of code. Second, its synchronization technology (the most vital for mobile solutions) is based on industry leading technology from Sybase. PointSync’s main function is rock-solid data synchronization. Whether you have 10, 100, or 1,000 mobile users, PointSync masters incoming and outgoing data like a super-powered traffic cop, making sure your data gets to its destination. Along these lines, PointSync includes special features that roll back data when a sync encounters problems, makes sure devices use unique record ID’s, can restart a problem sync where it left off and allows users to work, even when an Internet connection is not available. In addition, PointSync contains app deployment tools, database viewers, report generators and allows quick add/delete of synchronized fields. On a device level, PointSync supports all the popular mobile platforms, including iOS (Apple), Android, Windows Mobile and BlackBerry.
Who Uses A MEAP?
The following three types of organizations can benefit from using or deploying a MEAP:
- Companies can use a MEAP internally to manage their own fleet of mobile workers
- For System Integrators, a MEAP is a positive way to provide full solutions which include mobility
- ISV’s who are looking to increase revenue from a new product stream
Thinking About Building Your Own Synchronization Engine?
We did this and have a great story to tell in a future blog. If you’d like the details contact our Marketing department for a sneak preview of the details.
Got questions about MEAP's or PointSync? Please let us know and we'll be happy to give you all the details. After-all, we've been in the mobility space for over 10 years!
Thanks for reading... Tim Cerami, Information Architect
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